sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017

What are Arepas?

     Are corn meal pockets made in different sizes and thickness. This typical food can be baked, fried or grilled.

History of the Arepas

     The AREPA has its origins hundreds of years ago; cooked by the various indigenous tribes across the areas that are now Venezuela and Colombia. The AREPA represents daily masa bread. It is eaten across various socio-economic groups, at all times of day. The AREPA has its name from the word EREPA, the indigenous word for this corn ‘pita’. 

     Until the 1950′s, when AREPERAS (joints or restaurants serving AREPAS to the public) were a few, AREPAS were eaten primarily as a bread or side to food. When AREPERAS started growing in popularity, people became more innovative with their fillings. Initially the filled AREPA was referred to as “TOSTADA” but now it is simply called a filled AREPA or AREPA RELLENA. The fillings vary and there are no rules (just like with any sandwich, fillings are endless). Some recipes have now become tradition. 

Our Arepas

     At @deliciasdevenezuela our AREPAS are made fresh several times a day and then grilled to order, giving the arepa a fantastic and crunchy flavor.

     We are on Tampa bay area, you can follow us on facebook like @deliciasdevenezuela 

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